как узнать количество элементов в массиве php
Последствия копипаста или считаем в PHP количество элементов в массиве
Дата публикации: 2016-12-26
От автора: семьдесят пять, шесть, семь…. Извините, я сейчас уже заканчиваю! Семьдесят…. Сколько? Тьфу, опять сбился! В общем, создал массив, «накопипастил» в него элементов, а теперь не могут понять, сколько их. А чего я мучаюсь? Ведь с помощью PHP количество элементов в массиве подсчитать очень даже легко.
А индекс зачем?
Проще всего узнать длину обычного массива. Для этого нужно всего лишь вывести значение ключа последнего элемента. Хотя для этого тоже понадобится специальная функция (об этом позже). Хуже всего дело обстоит с ассоциативными массивами, в которых значение ключа может быть не только целочисленным, но и любым другим типом данных, поддерживаемым PHP.
Чтобы доказать выше сказанное, создадим самый непредсказуемый массив в мире. Имеется в виду, что длина, ключ и значение каждого из элементов такой структуры задается случайным числом из определенного диапазона. Для этого мы использовали функцию rand():
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(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
array_count_values — Подсчитывает количество всех значений массива
Список параметров
Массив подсчитываемых значений
Возвращаемые значения
Возвращает ассоциативный массив со значениями array в качестве ключей и их количества в качестве значений.
Генерирует ошибку уровня E_WARNING для каждого элемента, не являющегося строкой ( string ) или целым числом ( int ).
Пример #1 Пример использования array_count_values()
Результат выполнения данного примера:
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User Contributed Notes 15 notes
Simple way to find number of items with specific values in multidimensional array:
Based on sergolucky96 suggestion
Simple way to find number of items with specific *boolean* values in multidimensional array:
The case-insensitive version:
I couldn’t find a function for counting the values with case-insensitive matching, so I wrote a quick and dirty solution myself:
[J. Karjalainen] => 3
[60] => 2
[j. karjalainen] => 1
[Fastway] => 2
[FASTWAY] => 1
[fastway] => 1
[YUP] => 1
[J. Karjalainen] => 4
[60] => 2
[Fastway] => 4
[YUP] => 1
I don’t know how efficient it is, but it seems to work. Needed this function in one of my scripts and thought I would share it.
I find a very simple solution to count values in multidimentional arrays (example for 2 levels) :
Yet Another case-insensitive version of array_count_values()
[j. karjalainen] => 4
[60] => 2
[fastway] => 4
[yup] => 1
byron at byronrode dot co dot za, here are some benchmarks.
However, when you use an array of strings by calling md5(rand(1, 2000)), the performance boosts become less significant:
Results are similar for string->string haystacks with foreach traversal.
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
count — Подсчитывает количество элементов массива или чего-либо в объекте
Подсчитывает количество элементов массива или чего-то в объекте.
Смотрите раздел Массивы в этом руководстве для более детального представления о реализации и использовании массивов в PHP.
Список параметров
Если необязательный параметр mode установлен в COUNT_RECURSIVE (или 1), count() будет рекурсивно подсчитывать количество элементов массива. Это особенно полезно для подсчёта всех элементов многомерных массивов.
count() умеет определять рекурсию для избежания бесконечного цикла, но при каждом обнаружении выводит ошибку уровня E_WARNING (в случае, если массив содержит себя более одного раза) и возвращает большее количество, чем могло бы ожидаться.
Возвращаемые значения
Список изменений
Пример #1 Пример использования count()
Результат выполнения данного примера:
var_dump ( count ( null ));
var_dump ( count ( false ));
Результат выполнения данного примера:
Результат выполнения данного примера в PHP 7.2:
Результат выполнения данного примера в PHP 8:
Пример #3 Пример рекурсивного использования count()
Смотрите также
User Contributed Notes 17 notes
[Editor’s note: array at from dot pl had pointed out that count() is a cheap operation; however, there’s still the function call overhead.]
If you are on PHP 7.2+, you need to be aware of «Changelog» and use something like this:
My function returns the number of elements in array for multidimensional arrays subject to depth of array. (Almost COUNT_RECURSIVE, but you can point on which depth you want to plunge).
I actually find the following function more useful when it comes to multidimension arrays when you do not want all levels of the array tree.
$arr [ ‘__been_here’ ] = true ;
to end the debate: count() is the same as empty()
results on my computer:
count : double(0.81396999359131)
empty : double(0.81621310710907)
using isset($test[0]) is a bit slower than empty;
test without adding value to the array in function ****Test: still the same.
A function of one line to find the number of elements that are not arrays, recursively :
Get maxWidth and maxHeight of a two dimensional array.
1st dimension = Y (height)
2nd dimension = X (width)
e.g. rows and cols in database result arrays
You can not get collect sub array count when there is only one sub array in an array:
$a = array ( array (‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’));
$b = array ( array (‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’), array (‘e’,’f’,’g’,’h’));
echo count($a); // 4 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b); // 2, expected
For a Non Countable Objects
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in example.php on line 159
#Quick fix is to just cast the non-countable object as an array..
As I see in many codes, don’t use count to iterate through array.
Onlyranga says you could declare a variable to store it before the for loop.
I agree with his/her approach, using count in the test should be used ONLY if you have to count the size of the array for each loop.
You can not get collect sub array count when use the key on only one sub array in an array:
$a = array(«a»=>»appple», b»=>array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)));
$b = array(«a»=>»appple», «b»=>array(array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)), array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)), array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3))));
echo count($a[‘b’]); // 2 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b[‘b’]); // 3, expected
To get the count of the inner array you can do something like:
$inner_count = count($array[0]);
echo ($inner_count);
About 2d arrays, you have many way to count elements :
Criada para contar quantos níveis um array multidimensional possui.
/* Verifica se o ARRAY foi instanciado */
if (is_setVar($matrix))<
/* Verifica se a variável é um ARRAY */
In special situations you might only want to count the first level of the array to figure out how many entries you have, when they have N more key-value-pairs.
If you want to know the sub-array containing the MAX NUMBER of values in a 3 dimensions array, here is a try (maybe not the nicest way, but it works):
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 55;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 60;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 67;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 75;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 84;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 90;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 100;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 52;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 65;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 74;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 100;
Функции для работы с массивами
User Contributed Notes 14 notes
A simple trick that can help you to guess what diff/intersect or sort function does by name.
Example: array_diff_assoc, array_intersect_assoc.
Example: array_diff_key, array_intersect_key.
Example: array_diff, array_intersect.
Example: array_udiff_uassoc, array_uintersect_assoc.
This also works with array sort functions:
Example: arsort, asort.
Example: uksort, ksort.
Example: rsort, krsort.
Example: usort, uasort.
Array ( [ 0 ] => Cero [ 1 ] => Uno [ 2 ] => Dos [ 3 ] => Cuatro [ 4 ] => Cinco [ 5 ] => Tres [ 6 ] => Seis [ 7 ] => Siete [ 8 ] => Ocho [ 9 ] => Nueve [ 10 ] => Diez )
Array ( [ 0 ] => Cero [ 1 ] => Uno [ 2 ] => Dos [ 3 ] => Tres [ 4 ] => Cuatro [ 5 ] => Cinco [ 6 ] => Seis [ 7 ] => Siete [ 8 ] => Ocho [ 9 ] => Nueve [ 10 ] => Diez )
Updated code of ‘indioeuropeo’ with option to input string-based keys.
Here is a function to find out the maximum depth of a multidimensional array.
// return depth of given array
// if Array is a string ArrayDepth() will return 0
// usage: int ArrayDepth(array Array)
Short function for making a recursive array copy while cloning objects on the way.
If you need to flattern two-dismensional array with single values assoc subarrays, you could use this function:
to 2g4wx3:
i think better way for this is using JSON, if you have such module in your PHP. See json.org.
to convert JS array to JSON string: arr.toJSONString();
to convert JSON string to PHP array: json_decode($jsonString);
You can also stringify objects, numbers, etc.
Function to pretty print arrays and objects. Detects object recursion and allows setting a maximum depth. Based on arraytostring and u_print_r from the print_r function notes. Should be called like so:
I was looking for an array aggregation function here and ended up writing this one.
Note: This implementation assumes that none of the fields you’re aggregating on contain The ‘@’ symbol.
While PHP has well over three-score array functions, array_rotate is strangely missing as of PHP 5.3. Searching online offered several solutions, but the ones I found have defects such as inefficiently looping through the array or ignoring keys.
User Contributed Notes 17 notes
For newbies like me.
Creating new arrays:-
//Creates a blank array.
$theVariable = array();
//Creates an array with elements.
$theVariable = array(«A», «B», «C»);
//Creating Associaive array.
$theVariable = array(1 => «http//google.com», 2=> «http://yahoo.com»);
//Creating Associaive array with named keys
$theVariable = array(«google» => «http//google.com», «yahoo»=> «http://yahoo.com»);
New value can be added to the array as shown below.
$theVariable[] = «D»;
$theVariable[] = «E»;
To delete an individual array element use the unset function
Array ( [0] => fileno [1] => Array ( [0] => uid [1] => uname ) [2] => topingid [3] => Array ( [0] => touid [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 4 ) ) [2] => touname ) )
when I hope a function string2array($str), «spam2» suggest this. and It works well
hope this helps us, and add to the Array function list
Another way to create a multidimensional array that looks a lot cleaner is to use json_decode. (Note that this probably adds a touch of overhead, but it sure does look nicer.) You can of course add as many levels and as much formatting as you’d like to the string you then decode. Don’t forget that json requires » around values, not ‘!! (So, you can’t enclose the json string with » and use ‘ inside the string.)
Converting a linear array (like a mysql record set) into a tree, or multi-dimensional array can be a real bugbear. Capitalizing on references in PHP, we can ‘stack’ an array in one pass, using one loop, like this:
$node [ ‘leaf’ ][ 1 ][ ‘title’ ] = ‘I am node one.’ ;
$node [ ‘leaf’ ][ 2 ][ ‘title’ ] = ‘I am node two.’ ;
$node [ ‘leaf’ ][ 3 ][ ‘title’ ] = ‘I am node three.’ ;
$node [ ‘leaf’ ][ 4 ][ ‘title’ ] = ‘I am node four.’ ;
$node [ ‘leaf’ ][ 5 ][ ‘title’ ] = ‘I am node five.’ ;
Hope you find it useful. Huge thanks to Nate Weiner of IdeaShower.com for providing the original function I built on.
If an array item is declared with key as NULL, array key will automatically be converted to empty string », as follows:
A small correction to Endel Dreyer’s PHP array to javascript array function. I just changed it to show keys correctly:
function array2js($array,$show_keys)
$dimensoes = array();
$valores = array();
Made this function to delete elements in an array;
but then i saw the methods of doing the same by Tyler Bannister & Paul, could see that theirs were faster, but had floors regarding deleting multiple elements thus support of several ways of giving parameters. I combined the two methods to this to this:
Fast, compliant and functional 😉
//Creating a multidimensional array
/* 2. Works ini PHP >= 5.4.0 */
var_dump ( foo ()[ ‘name’ ]);
When i run second method on PHP 5.3.8 i will be show error message «PHP Fatal error: Can’t use method return value in write context»
array_mask($_REQUEST, array(‘name’, ’email’));